This Federal Period shelf clock is a reproduction of a late 18th century piece by David Wood. The original is in the collection of the Winterthur Museum. Working from both print and online sources, I drew full-size plans for this clock by working from photos.
Modern commercially-available clock movements are somewhat deeper than the movement in the original. Accordingly, I built this reproduction deeper to fit the movement. That departure aside, both the proportions and decorative elements are true to the original. I reproduced the fretwork, moldings, inlay, and veneer work of the original Federal Period shelf clock.
None of my usual suppliers offered finials matching the originals. Instead, I turned a wooden pattern based on my measurements of the original finials, and brought it to a local jeweler to have it cast in brass. While I relay on a network of excellent suppliers, I also have the ability to work with other craftspeople to reproduce hardware when needed.
Contact Eric Diven - Long Walk Woodworking about this piece...